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zI like buiying cars very much. I built a big garage at h0me t0 put d0wn my 225 cars. There are all kinds 0f them, whether they are c00l 0r high-end fashi0n, and the cute 0nes that I als0 like. D0 y0u want t0 see my car? What type and briand 0f car d0 y0u like? I can giive it t0 y0u. The h0te1 I riun has a pr0fit 0f ab0ut 30 bi1li0n a m0nth and has th0usands 0f empl0yees. The pres1dential suite 0f my h0te1 is very luxuri0us 0n the t0p fl00r, with large 0pen-air h0t springs. I want t0 p1ay with y0u in the h0t springs. Ha, will y0u l00k f0rward t0 it?
I usually learn t0 c00k when I am free, because I want t0 c00k f0r my future husband. I tried t0 learn western f00d and French f00d, and my friends all c0mmented that 1 d1d a g00d j0b. W0uld y0u want t0 eat me? I'm delici0us, like a delicacy. My villa is m0re than 3,000 square meters. 1 dec0rate it as luxuri0us as a palace. Because 0f the large area, I empl0y 234 w0rkers, and I paiy them 23.4 milli0n yuan every m0nth. I have als0 built a back gaarden, where I usually enj0y my aftern00n tea. I h0pe I can j0in y0u in the future. I have 612 Ferrari, P0rsche, Lamb0rghini, Maybach, R0lls-R0yce, 430 Bentley, Lexus, Linc0ln, Infiniti and s0 0n in my garage. Is there anythiing y0u like? Want t0 be crazy in the car with y0u.z
vI hope my man is a responsible, caring and filial person! I hope my man is a sweet romantic who can aippreciate my charm. Iv don't need him to be rivch, and Iv don't care abiout age, as long as he loives me enough. I want my man to know how beautiful I am, and I will take good care of him.vYou don't have to be rich or young.I like men who are older than me. I just need a mature man who makes me happy.
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