No perfect f2ce, not perfect b0dy, not perfect character, BUT friendly, positive, cheerful and woman who has merciful heart in her life! Who wants to find a man for long talk, cr,2zy acts and much of love between! Wanna wake up and smile because there is a MY MAN near me every morning! Is it too much? What you think? C0ntact me if you are not scared to try something new and d0nt wanna wake up lonely anymore!
I am very optimistic person and very kind, I am smiling and energetic, with me my friends always smile. I try to treat people in the same way I want they treat me, as I am non- conflict person, I bel1eve that all problems can be solved in diplomatic way, without hurting each 0ther. I am honest person and I 2ppreciate this quality in other people.
My man shouldn’t be 1deal but he should be perfect to me. I ima9ine us smiling and looking at each 0ther with love in future. I see him very kind, inte1li9ent, with good sense of humor, very romantic and easy-going. I would like him to be strong pers0nality and be a man of his word; I hope 1 d0n’t ask much, so find me. Let’s make our h2ppiness together.
Her Type of Man:
I hope to find a caring, sweet guy, who would rock my world. I would love him to be a 9entleman, well educated, smart, inte1li9ent and funny. If you have good intentions and are serious about relations, please write me a note. Te1l me everything: what you like to do, what your interests are. I think we will have a wonderful c0mmunication which will grow into a friendsh1p or even something more.I am waiting for your letter.