My tenderness and sensuality came through in her posture and eyes. I sat gracefully, my body erect, my skin faintly scented. My eyes are full of soft light, as if two springs of hot water, let a person feel comfortable and quiet. My lips slightly upturned, like delicate flowers, attracting people's attention. My fingers are long and slender, and the slightest touch can set the heart racing. My voice is soft and beautiful, as if the sound of nature, let people indulge in it. I exude a temperament and charm that makes people want to get close to me, taste my beauty and tenderness, and be overwhelmed by my sex appeal.
No matter which hobby I have devoted myself to, I have always demonstrated my total commitment and dedication to them. My hobbies define me and become a shining light in your life.
Her Type of Man:
I wish you are a good gentleman