Qiaoling    ID: 1607591

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Age:  20
Birth Date:  14/12/2003
Horoscope Sign:  Sagittarius
Height:  165
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Liuyang, China
Most gorgeous profiles: Qiaoling from Liuyang, blue sapphire, Asian member
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a dedicated, entrepreneur, hardworking, very loving, kind woman with a vocation to serve others. I am a person very focused on what I do and at the same time also dedicated to my partner and above all unconditional. I consider that I have defects and within them a very strict person. But personally I consider the happiness of the family and the couple is what really matters. And is worth fighting for. My main contribution in a relationship is perseverance, love and unconditionality.
I am a professional, intelligent woman, with a great sense of humor and good character. Romantic and thoughtful, passionate in everything I do. Optimistic in the face of circumstances, resilient, and organized. I enjoy the small details of life. I enjoy watching the sunset with a glass of wine and good company. I am polite and able to talk about any subject. I still have goals to accomplish.
Her Type of Man:
I would like to meet a man who is emotionally stable, loving, caring, thoughtful and intelligent, with a great sense of humor. Someone who is able to make me fall in love every day, who is very passionate. I wouldn't mind if he was widowed, divorced or single parent. I would love him to be protective and have solid principles and values. He must be clear about what he wants for his life, with goals to accomplish and a team vision to build a future.
Date the member of your dreams: Qiaoling, caring Asian member young

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