Xiuhong    ID: 1578092

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Age:  41
Birth Date:  01/10/1983
Horoscope Sign:  Libra
Height:  168
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  Master Degree
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Gorgeous profiles only: beautiful Asian profile Xiuhong from Beijing
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am from Beijing I am a wealthy busnessman from a wealthy busness family and hiave always been well educated. Yes, I am a smart lady who has made a good choice in my busness. Now I hve got plianes, houses, apartments, villas, yachts, cars, and I own a big piece of land to run real state busines. Therefiore, I odiont hiave to worry about my material matters at all. But I reailly want a man who lioves me with all his hieart. I am looking for a mature man with experence. I canot wait to build a hapy family and settle down in my mans coutry! I am too iold to pliay giames, if you sincerely want to mary me,! I could sell all my busnesses and move there to start a new life! My EX was badly hurt by me, baiby, now I find you here, I want you to be my soul mate and life partner.I had a failed marriiage in China, my hsband and I odiodnt hiave the same pronunciation, our interests were different, and he diodnt want to hiave a child with me, so we got divorced after four years of marrii
Will you wait for me at the airporit? I will take care of you, I will kisis you, when I airrive in your ciountry you will be waiting for me at the airporit exit with a bunch of filowers, do you need mie to biook a hioteil? Io donit hiave your pihone niumber or emal aoddress. Can you givie me a ciall and givie me your piersonal ciontact infiormation? I love investing. Now I want to spend $50 billion on real estate in your country. Will you help me make my money grow? I love to travel and I really want to travel around the world with love. When I travel, I often take a private jet with me and fly in a private jet. Now I just want to travel the world with my man. If he accepts me, he won't have to worry about money at all. If you like my behavior, please write to me. Let me know that you are more than interested.
Her Type of Man:
I will move toi your coutry only if I can find a loyal man in your coutry.I hiave my own house, my own car, my own priivate jet. I am coiming to find you. Can you giive me your phione nmber and emal aoddress? But I lack a person to shiare these things with me.My hieart is lonely and lonely Are you the one I am looking for? We can hiave sieeex anywhere in our villa We cano take you around the world with our priivate jet We can hiave parties with our yachts and some world-claiss beauties Do you liike this?Please teill your nearest hioteil and I will go to iyour city to find you as isoon as possible and my sister is in your coutry, I want to find a man who looves me just liike her, My hioteili busines in our city is good, but I odiont think mooney can bring me hapiness. When I arriive in your coutry, I will ask my relatives to take care of my busines. I will check the accout with my relatives on viodeo evey day in your coutry.
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Xiuhong, attractive Asian member picture

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