“OCIH”, it is a good description for my character, can you guess what does it mean?
A typical Chinese woman who likes smile often, so it is easy for me to make friends.
Sometimes play Ma Jiang or Chinese cards here for fun only.
Enjoy lazy life after passed my fifty years old.
Went to different places and have open minded views on different things.
Proud of myself cause I have became the woman I wanted to be.
Retired, so the world will be mine, then I can go to different places freely.
Would you like to share wealth that money can not buy with me?
Cooking by myself usually, as I believe in “You are what you eat”.
Will you enjoy the "Intimate meal" I cook?
Enjoy ballroom dance, but no good partner for me, do you dance?
Walking mountains or going to museums in weekend, believe in the magic therapy of the Nature.
What is your resource of your inspiration?
Her Type of Man:
Age or any other things do not matter, I am searching for a man who has an interesting soul, and you?
If you re the right person, then what else do I want?
Youth and love never grow old, even if the way' lost angry horse fresh clothes.
Do you agree w/me?