Jutarat    ID: 1573839

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Age:  32
Birth Date:  17/03/1992
Horoscope Sign:  Pisces
Height:  168
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Tourist agent
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Bangkok , Thailand
Date the member of your dreams: Thailand member Jutarat from Bangkok
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Once I saw the ocean, I knew I wanted to see such beauty as often as possible. Since then I realized that I want to travel but also to work)) I am a travel agent. I create any trip at the highest level. I learn everyday lessons and improve my personality to bring all the good in the world. I like criticism, I take it positively. The only thing I want to change in this life is my status. I want to go from being a single girl to a desirable woman. You know, sometimes it's hard for me to make decisions, but I made a quick decision to register here. I guess that means something. 🥰💋
I like art. Especially collecting rare things. I go to auctions and buy rare things, books, furnishings. Sometimes I am invited to photo shoots. I gladly accept their invitations, because after them I feel more confident. In my free time I support my body physically and do yoga, it creates harmony with my body and spiritual world. I travel around the world and it is important for me to discover new places, especially those where there are few tourists and only locals know about such special places. I love spending time with friends and hanging out___🔥
Her Type of Man:
I want the kind of love that needs no big words, but where there is a lot of crazy and passionate action. With such a man, I want to go through this life together, holding each other's hands. I am searching for a man who will become my lover, my best friend, my life partner, who will become everything for me! Romance is important, tender words are important, making compliments to each other is also helpful! Relationship is built on true love, mutual understanding and respect. Relationship is when you look in the same direction! 🔥
Most gorgeous profiles: Thai member Jutarat

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