Thi Mai Linh    ID: 1618760

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Age:  22
Birth Date:  05/10/2002
Horoscope Sign:  Libra
Height:  164
Weight:  47
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Web-designer
Education:  College degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Gorgeous member profiles: Thi Mai Linh from Ho Chi Minh City, member lone Asian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Strong and active, fiery and independent, with established life goals, priorities and values - that's me! Yes, even being so young I already know what I want in life.
I really like to receive guests, I like to cook and surprise. I am humble and kind. I never take offense, I always enter into the situation of other people.
Her Type of Man:
I appreciate mutual understanding, support and respect in a relationship. No jealousness, no rudeness, no pressure, no lies. In my dreams I see us in a small cozy house, drinking tea on our terrace a family idyll and harmony.
Gorgeous profiles pictures: Thi Mai Linh, Asian member pic

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