Binura    ID: 1621435

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Age:  29
Birth Date:  10/11/1995
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  165
Weight:  53
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  HR manager
Education:  College
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  New York, USA
Date the member of your dreams: Binura from New York, member from USA
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a very gentle, kind woman, and at the same time I work hard to make my dreams come true, discipline and the ability to find a common language with people often help in this.
In my opinion, when you meet your person, you feel in the first minutes. The fact that you are on the same wavelength seems so obvious that there can be no doubt. Of course, this may work in real life, not virtual. Even though it may take a little longer to get a feel for each other online, I don't want to waste each other’s time and to tell more about myself. When I relax or spend time with family or friends, I prefer to do it without phones, calls and constant checking of instant messengers. Also, I like reading, running, dancing, join new different courses to develop my skills, some of them were really crazy, but since I don't have an aim to scare you, I won't tell much about it now.
Her Type of Man:
For me, visual and age categories don't matter, for me all that matters is what a man has inside. For me, age is a number, and appearance is a matter of style, which does not affect what a man is really like. I need a reliable, faithful, loving man who has a clear-cut position, who is ready to choose the decisions that are key in our lives and take responsibility for them, who respects my choice and listens to me. Who from the moment of our relationship, will understand that we are now one and all that happens good or bad we rejoice and grieve together, but never give up. If you really think you are like that and see me as the woman who should be there for you, then why are you reading this and haven't written
Most gorgeous profiles: Binura, from USA member

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