Ping    ID: 1589241

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Age:  42
Birth Date:  18/12/1982
Horoscope Sign:  Sagittarius
Height:  165
Weight:  60
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  University
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Widow
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Most gorgeous profiles: Ping from Beijing, member from China
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
A lonely wizdow looking for loive here. I inherited everything from my dead hussband, coimpanies, moiney, houises. I want to take everything with me and move to a new place to start a new life. I'm a seexy, noughty and open-minded womman, I never judge a man by his apearance,age or how much he earn . I believe in romance and will never giive up looking for my romance. I think life is more meaningful when you have someone you loive, and your future can only be fulfilled by your loive.
I like collecting jewelry, traiveling, and reading. I can prresent my greatest collection to Mr. Right and triavel and shop with him z all z over the world. I am also a family woiman, I like to cook, take care of my partner, I like to miake delicious food for him every day.
Her Type of Man:
i want a serious mature honest man who does not care abiout my age. I have thirty bilion in my accont, so my hussband doesn't have to be riich. When we establish a long-term relationshiip, I will buiy a villa in your name in your contry. After our mariage, my jewelry store and reial estate coimpany in China can be transferred to z your name. I just want all your loive. I hope we will beciome the best friends and the best couple and overcoime all difficulties in our relationshiip togiether.
Date the member of your dreams: attractive Thai member Ping

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