YuanXiu     ID: 1614542

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Age:  34
Birth Date:  01/05/1990
Horoscope Sign:  Taurus
Height:  168
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Gorgeous pictures: YuanXiu from Beijing, dating, romantic companionship, Asian member
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I'm a cute and lively lady, always full of energy and enthusiasm. I have a big smile and a heart full of kindness.
I love collecting cute stickers, doing DIY handicrafts, and taking care of little pets.
Her Type of Man:
I dream of a man who is gentle and caring. He has a warm smile and a kind heart. He is fun-loving, full of energy, and can make me laugh. He is sincere and reliable, and loves to embrace life's simple joys with me.
Gorgeous profiles only: YuanXiu, dating free Asian memberpic

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