Guofen    ID: 1605494

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Age:  60
Birth Date:  22/11/1964
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  170
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Stylist
Education:  College degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Gorgeous member profiles: Guofen from Beijing, member China
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I hiave a thousands jewelry store, six of the supermarket, I am viery ricih, I want to spend my mioney with you, I can hielp you to repiay all your diebts, I can provde a life of liuxury, I want to rde a bike with you, enjoy life, wie tiogetheri under the light music to relax our mood, we can rde tiogether, I likie and you live in a beautiful city, You will be waiting for me at the arport with a bunch of fliowers, I am so eager to soee you, I pdiont siee your nuimber diear. Do you hiave a house for mie to live in when I airrive in your ciountry? What is your house likie? Do you hiave a pcture of the house? I want to get your emal aoddress, can you send it to me? Can you givie me a reservation niumber? I am so eager to siee you, do I rieally want to kisis you? I can wait to sihare the night with you, I wish you could be here with mie tonight, so you could givie me a niaughty bioy, ha, well, theres nothing we can do but fiuck, siuck, licik and siwallow. Jiuice each oither and we
I will be the first lady to aririive in your coutry and marriy you. I hiave a pirivate pilane, I hiave mioney, my father is a Chinese government official, he can hielp mie to leave China tio your ciountry, is it convenient for you to pck me up at the airporit, could you please ciall me and tiell me your ciontact infiormation? I will hielp you get a Chinese paissport and let you fily to China. I want to register my miarriage with you. Once we get married, we can beciomie the haippiest couple. I can siharie all my funds with you. Our bond s so strong I can feel our hiearts biurning fior each oither. You are so wonderful on the insde, and t sihows in your pasision. We open our hiearts and minds and sihare our dieep fieelings and diesires with each oither! I canit live without you, I canit live without you!
Her Type of Man:
Can you mieet me at the arport? I hope we can mieet at the arport. Do you hiave a car to piick me up at the arport? I need to fliy toi your city by cmmercial pliane. I am an honest and loyal person. When I am in your coutry, you diont need to worry about the problem of mooney. I looked at the records, you hiavent read the letters I sent you befiore, but I understand, I Want to know more about you. If you diont mind, would you liike to sihare with me somthing about your slaves? I look forward to serving you with the four of us. Is ton acceptable? Will that satisfy you? Hooney, we ave been in tiouch for ia long time. What is the difference between me and your Filpino slave? Hahahahaha Yes, we will never leave everiy oTHER, we will always accmpany evey ioTHER, will you loove me forver? As youi know, I am busy at the moment, but I will do my best to mieet you Iots not my fault, because you diodnt teill me othat if we diodnt haive the mieeting this time, we would hiave the
Most gorgeous profiles: Guofen, dating China member

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