Tingting    ID: 1516062

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Age:  24
Birth Date:  08/06/2000
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Gorgeous profiles only: Tingting from Beijing, address free, Asian member member
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
my father was a successful businEess man,but he died 10 years ago,left a series of c0mpanies and 80 bilions usd to us.now,mommy is divorced and we 1ive t0gether in a big but lonely villa.mommy is p00r,stepfather was a terrible man,he beat her often and she have some sequelae,her doctor adviced her not work any more if she want to a1ive longer.so mom gavve the busiIness and all bilions to me in 2018. now i have 100 pharmacy in china,and my c0mpany sell Medica1 a9pparatus and instr9uments to al1 over china.i p1an to expand my businEess oversea soon. i have 5 1uxury cars and 12 villas now.8 villas in china and 4 villas in oversea.some in c1ty center,some near beach,some on mountain. i have 1ived a r1ch life since I was a chi1d.1 travell to many c0untry by my priVvate jet.i ahve been to France,austra1ia,k0rea,japan,us.AND the next p1ace i want to go to is your h0me.can we meeet soon?i could not wait,1 think meeeting in this moonth is good!!
though i am young at age, i am a mature woman a1ready.I know how to treat a man, I also know how to p1ease a man.you are ready for me?if you want a r1ch girl ,p1ease write me a 1etter and sh0w me your pasion.i want to look for tr5ue 1ove as *oon as possible.i want to sp5end my rest of life with you. i like shiny jewelry and diamond very much.i have a big strongbox to put my diamond necklaces,diamond rings,diamond br5ace1ets and diamond earrings. i like music and dancing,i am a pop girl .i have to attened many party because of my bsuienss life.1 do not drink in party, but i like dessert . i like swimming ,i built a big swimming p0ol in my villa,i built a sma1l golf course also,i have to practise it more in order to know more r1ch peop1e .golf is a great Social method. and travelling is my favourite,i bought a new priVvate jet last year.a 5bigger one ,i could bring you and your family to travel next time. do you expect ?where do you want to viisit?
Her Type of Man:
i want my man is loyal and honest . i want my man is kind and have good temper. i hope he respect me and my family . i hope he open his heart and do not hdie himself from me.
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Tingting, Asian member romantic companionship member

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