Saihua    ID: 1596789

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Age:  42
Birth Date:  22/07/1982
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  171
Weight:  48
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  Community college
Marital Status:  Widow
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Chinese, Cantonese
Residence:  Beijing, China
Gorgeous profiles only: China member member Saihua from Beijing
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am a real female member on this site. Unfortunately, my Chinese rich husband died last year due to the new coronavirus infection. Now I inherit my ex-husband's property, his real estate company and tourist resort. I am very sad that I have become a widow at the age of a tiger. Now I'm looking for someone loyal. A warm man, willing to open his heart for me. Never mind my age. I know I'm not young anymore, but I'm still playful and full of passion, and I hope you can spend your life with me. We can meet and see if there is room in our hearts for love and marriage, can you use the Call Me feature to call me? You can schedule a call at any point in my time. We should communicate and arrange a meeting. If you are interested in me, please write back to me, the sooner the better, I long for true love. I believe you will be a good husband, I will be a good wife. Let's be honest with each other, okay?
Will you write or caill me? Can you set up a phione ciall on this weibsiote today and teilil me what a reial man you are and what you think! I am now a reail estate buisinessman living in Shanghai. I oinherited my exhuisbands reial estate buisiness. In this era of pandemic, I haive made four bililion doillars this year, but I am veiry sad, my exhusbiands family wants to fight me for our propeirty, I am veriy worried abiout my priopierty in China, so I hope you can heilp imie to transfer some of my aissets out of China asi soon as possible. Will you hielp me? Shall we inviest biusiness togiether in your coiuntry? I odoint haive any children. I want to find a partner to riun my busness and manage my coimpany with me. And inherit my fortune. Are you the one?
Her Type of Man:
I am too old to play games, I hope to find my final partner here, I am very rich, once we get married, I can provide 5 billion of capital, and share my real estate business with you, are you ready to start a new life with me, can you send me your email address? Can you set up a phone for us on this website? . I want to tell you all my information, or you can write to me, OK? Do you like beautiful and sweet Chinese women? Will you have a heart-to-heart talk with me? I run a leisure hotel which provides a clean, tidy and quiet environment for my guests. I serve coffee and tea, desserts and pastries. Making desserts is one of my hobbies! I work every day, take weekends off and spend more time alone. I read your profile, and I don't care how old you are, really! I want to have a long-term relationship with you. Maybe we're the best for each other. Have you ever fantasized about your future life? Are you willing to give each other a chance to get to know each other?
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: beautiful Thai member Saihua

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