Thi Ngan    ID: 1594638

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Age:  30
Birth Date:  20/12/1994
Horoscope Sign:  Sagittarius
Height:  166
Weight:  55
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Accountant
Education:  College degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Ha Noi, Vietnam
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Asian order member Thi Ngan from Ha Noi
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I'm really looking for my life partner, someone who loves me, loves me, values ​​me, is with me through thick and thin, we support each other and enjoy life without worries, just being happy and living each day as if it were the last, if the love of my life does not appear, I would also like a friend who supports us and advises each other. It is never good to be alone and a good company is always welcome
A strong, determined, ambitious man, with goals and the desire to conquer the world, affectionate, understanding, who loves me and values ​​me. That she accompanies me in my best moments and in the worst and above all, with some very beautiful feelings
Her Type of Man:
The real woman is one who always finds excuses for others, but never excuses herself. I try to live right path in life and fine someone who will be with me no matter difficulties... I'm here to find my soulmate and you ?
Gorgeous profiles only: member order Asian Thi Ngan

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