Wathoosiri    ID: 1570093

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Age:  28
Birth Date:  01/01/1997
Horoscope Sign:  Capricorn
Height:  160
Weight:  51
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Teacher
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Bangkok , Thailand
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Asian member member Wathoosiri from Bangkok
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
My life is bright. I adore Thai massages and beaches. It is extremely important for me to have a man's attention and admiration. I am unpredictable and seductive, my feelings have some special depth.😈 Constantly attracting male gazes and always flirting. I often fall in love, but I want to love for real. To do this I lack a man who shows me how to love properly. I am driven crazy by routine, I love socializing and traveling. My inspiration is my work, as an English teacher. I am sure I can surprise you with my frank costume of a teacher.🍓🍓
My hobby is anything related to art. I like to go on long hikes. Crossing rivers and pitching tents. My vocation is to make bouquets. My apartment is full of flowers. I love to give and receive.❤️ Love for beauty gives me the opportunity to make the world around me brighter and better.
Her Type of Man:
I like to be in the center of a big company. I am looking for a partner who can awaken passion in me and never regret it for a minute. I will answer your every touch. I will have an affair with a domineering man who loves Thai massage.🍒🍓
Gorgeous profiles only: member, Asian member Wathoosiri

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